Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Pros, Cons and Differences. . .

Salam all..... =)

Today..I want to talk about the Pros and Cons of 3-tier Architecture and also the differences between 2-tier and 3-tier Architecture. First I will talk about the advantages and disadvantages of 3-tier architecture before we talk about the differences.

The Advantages and Disadvantages of 3-tier Architecture are divided by two. . . Development Issues and Performance.

Advantages. . .

## Development Issues:

- Complex application rules easy to implement in application server.
- Business logic off-loaded from database server and client, which improves performance.
- Changes to business logic automatically enforced by server – changes require only new application server software to be installed.
- Application server logic is portable to other database server platforms by virtue of the application software.

## Performance:
- Superior performance for medium to high volume environments.

Disadvantages. . .

##Development Issues:

- More complex structure.
- More difficult to setup and maintain.

## Performance

- The physical separation of application servers containing business logic functions and database servers containing databases may moderately affect performance.

Differences between 2-tier and 3-tier Architecture. . .


- The server holds both the application and the data.
- The application resides on the server rather than the client probably because the server will have more processing power and disk space than the PC.


- The data and applications are split onto separate servers with the server-side distributed between a database server and an application server.
- The client is a front end simply requesting and displaying data. Reason being that each server will be dedicated to processing either data or application requests hence a more manageable system and less contention for resources will occur.

p/s: http://channukambalyal.tripod.com/NTierArchitecture.pd.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

3-tier Architecture

Salam all... =)

I want to introduce to u all what is 3-tier Architecture. Now..we can start our lesson..hehe.

What is 3-tier Architecture??

3-tier Architecture is a three-way interaction in a client/server environment.

** the user interface is stored in the client.
** the bulk of the business application logic is stored in one or more servers.
** the data are stored in a database server.

3-tier architecture diagram

With the advent of Internet many people jumped to conclusion that the days of the mainframe were back. Client/server were obviously failed, personal computers had failed and Windows was on its way out. A host of "thin client" application were developed. and now, 3-tier architecture were born. Actually 3-tier architecture ni runs the tradisional client/server model but its from a web server. The client only display the GUI (Graphical User Interface) and data, but has no part in producing results.

Ok..that all for today..and noticed that all my student are sleepy..*cecehh nk brangan skit =p*. Nanti i post about the advantages and disadvantages of 3-tier Architecture pulak keh.. tatatititutu~~


Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Loading. . . .

Salam all...=)

hye..hye..hye..hehe. Ni one of my blog but blog ni cerita mengenai teknologi yang ada sekarang ni. For ur information, this blog juga dibikin berdasarkan subject yang aku amik sem ni. One of my lecturer yang mengalakkan kiteorg buat blog yang berkaitan dengan teknologi ni. So....here I come..hahaha.

For ur information, this blog related to Client/Server Computing yang aku amik sem ni. Ada2 iras Networking juga...tapi client/server ni base on Client/server jek. Tak include jenis2 server yang lain.

Ok..nanti I cerita ceritun dekat u all semua keh..

Loading. . . . . . Loading. . . . . Loading . . . . .

To Be Continued. . . .

p/s:madam Soraya...bahasa rojak la madam..hehehe